Educational infographic : I have a confession to make. I’ve become obsessed with Design Thinking. It’s gotten to the point where I “Design Thinking” everything. How do I Design Thinking my lunch? How do I Design Thinking my classroom phone policy? How do I Design Thinking teaching? Teaching? Yep. Let’s do


Educational infographic & data visualisation

I have a confession to make. I’ve become obsessed with Design Thinking. It’s gotten to the point where I “Design Thinking” everything. How do I Design Thinking my lunch? How do I Design Thinking my classroom phone policy? How do I Design Thinking teaching? Teaching? Yep. Let’s do



I have a confession to make. I've become obsessed with Design Thinking. It's gotten to the point where I “Design Thinking” everything. How do I Design Thinking my lunch? How do I Design Thinking my classroom phone policy? How do I Design Thinking teaching? Teaching? Yep. Let's do

– Infographic Source –


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