Fashion infographic : Handbag sales have jumped to an all time high in the recent years due to the promo of fashionable product by rich actors, starlets, musicians, and models. Frequently viewed as a status of wealth, handbags have become a very important accessory for anyone who is into fashion. People all over the world are influenced by a media, which promotes the sale of designer fashion.


Fashion infographic & data visualisation

Handbag sales have jumped to an all time high in the recent years due to the promo of fashionable product by rich actors, starlets, musicians, and models. Frequently viewed as a status of wealth, handbags have become a very important accessory for anyone who is into fashion. People all over the world are influenced by a media, which promotes the sale of designer fashion.



Handbag sales have jumped to an all time high in the recent years due to the promo of fashionable product by rich actors, starlets, musicians, and models. Frequently viewed as a status of wealth, handbags have become a very important accessory for anyone who is into fashion. People all over the world are influenced by a media, which promotes the sale of designer fashion.

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