Healthcare infographic
Infographic: Health Savings Account Enrollment Reaches 15.5 Million – Many believe that Health Savings Accounts (HSA) are an important element of health reform that will help reduce the growth of healthcare costs and increase the efficiency of the healthcare system. Now, nearly 15.5 million Americans are covered by HSA-eligible insurance plans, an increase of nearly 15 percent since last year, according to a new infographic from America’s Health Insurance Plans.
Infographic: Health Savings Account Enrollment Reaches 15.5 Million – Many believe that Health Savings Accounts (HSA) are an important element of health reform that will help reduce the growth of healthcare costs and increase the efficiency of the healthcare system. Now, nearly 15.5 million Americans are covered by HSA-eligible insurance plans, an increase of nearly 15 percent since last year, according to a new infographic from America’s Health Insurance Plans.