Discovring Deep Focus Powerpoint Presentation Template
On this post, we are discovring one of the best PowerPoint Templates in 2017, Deep Focus Powerpoint Presentation Template from 83MUNKIS having more than 23 purchases on Enevato Market !
1. Review
Title : Deep Focus Powerpoint Presentation Template
Type : presentation-templates/powerpoint-templates/creative
Designer : 83MUNKIS
Publishing date : 2013-09-24T21:02:10Z and updated at 2015-04-09T03:29:43Z
Price : 15 $
Sales : 23
Review & Rating : 0
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2. Description

Seductively transparent and flat, the Deep Focus Powerpoint Template is a new take on the latest trend in interface design for mobile devices. Specifically created to present information about fresh ideas, social media, digital content and user statistics, this fully customizable set of four PPT deck layouts give you the tools you need to quickly create a great showcase for your ideas and information in no time.
With this highly customizable kit you can create your own custom background texture using the included PSD layered file, insert your favorite icons from the selection of over 300 free font-based styles and define your own color themes. Or, you can simply insert your text, images and data into the existing design and in just minutes you’ll be ready to knock the socks off your audience with your professionally designed presentation.
This kit includes:
- 180 master slides
- 4 .pptx, .ppt, .potx, .pot and .thmx files
- 4 original photographic backgrounds
- 45 unique screen designs
- Over 110 custom icons as separate .png files
- 6 different image presentation master pages
- 22 Custom graphic charts as master pages
- Pre-styled automatic charts
- Placeholders for images and embedded video
- Layered .PSD file for creating your own custom backgrounds
- Extensive getting started guide
- Uses these free fonts:
Quicksand Book & Light Regular- http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/quicksandPhotographs and Responsive Web Screens featured in the sample screens are not included with the templates. Some of the featured portrait photographs are available from PhotoDune. These include:
- http://photodune.net/item/successful-business-woman/4168658?sso
- http://photodune.net/item/confident-woman/4046456?sso
- http://photodune.net/item/confident-businesswoman-smiling/4168688?sso
- http://photodune.net/item/casual-business-woman/2588941?sso
- http://themeforest.net/item/reaction-wp-responsive-rugged-bold/702169?sso
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The Deep Focus Presentation Template is also available as part of the Vantage Collection:More great presentation designs from 83MUNKIS: